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From Zero to Hero: Smart Sales Tactics for Early Stage Startups

Written by Ryan Bennett | Jan 4, 2024 5:43:51 PM

Navigating the Sales Maze: Overcoming Early Startup Challenges

Launching a startup is thrilling but comes with an array of challenges, especially when building your sales process. This article highlights the hurdles founders often face when doing so and provides insights for overcoming them. From advice on navigating the unfamiliar terrain of sales to tactics on understanding your customer’s buying process, you’ll walk away feeling more confident in your ability to sell your product and grow your business.


The content from this post came from discussions during a recent webinar, "From Sales Zero to Hero." It distills key insights and practical strategies for sales in early-stage startups as shared by seasoned experts Michael Millstein, VP of Sales for LogicBoost Labs and Ben Siegel CEO of Abode.  

Overlooked Challenges in Early-Stage Sales

There are plenty of unforeseen challenges regarding sales that founders are often unaware of or fail to address. Fortunately, plenty of entrepreneurs have paved the way for us to identify the most common sales challenges you might encounter.

The Uncharted Territory of Selling

The fact is many startup founders lack a background in sales. It's unfamiliar territory. And this lack of traditional sales training can lead to a trial-and-error approach on sales calls. The struggle to figure out how to ask the right questions, engage prospects effectively, and manage the buying process becomes a significant learning curve. And the importance of learning how to distinguish genuine interest from mere excitement is a challenge many founders can resonate with.

When it comes to improving your sales process, consider recording every call, going back, and watching them. Learn from them, read books on selling, and, if possible, work with mentors or advisors who have experienced similar challenges. This proactive approach will help shorten that learning curve.

Understanding How Customers Buy

Founders should start their sales education by understanding this crucial point: The conventional sales process outlined in many resources doesn't guarantee revenue. Understanding how your target audience buys and deciphering when they are exploring versus ready to pull the trigger becomes paramount. You need to grasp the intricacies of your customers' decision-making processes beyond the standard steps of discovery and demo. Figure out what their pain points are and what their specific needs demand. The sooner you realize that an adaptive sales strategy tailored to the dynamics of your startup is essential, the better.

The Fear of Tough Questions

As a non-sales or first-time seller, you might be uncomfortable asking tough questions regarding budget, timeline, and the real intent behind the conversation. It's normal for all of that to feel like you're being intrusive. But it's the key to qualifying deals efficiently because these questions allow you to determine genuine interest and commitment from potential clients. So, embrace these tough questions instead of avoiding them.

Product-Centric Pitfalls

Even veteran salespeople fall into the common trap of relying too heavily on the product during sales conversations. As a technical founder, leading with product features and functionalities, assuming prospects will be enamored by what your product can do, feels natural. But the best thing you can do is shift your perspective to how your product solves specific problems. Customers are not interested in the product itself but in its ability to address their pain points.

Here's a helpful tip: Try distilling how your product solves three to four problems and understanding how potential clients currently solve those problems will improve your early-stage sales strategy.

The Juggling Act of Time Dedication

This may seem obvious, but being successful at sales requires dedicating time to it. The challenge you face is balancing your roles as a CEO, visionary, and salesperson simultaneously. The need to spend a significant amount of time — let's say, 40-plus hours a week — on sales activities often catches founders off guard. And this truth only further underscores the need for realistic expectations and effective time management in your startup journey.

With that in mind, allocate dedicated time to sales for yourself because it's undeniably a crucial piece to the success of any early-stage startup.

Strategies for Selling When Your Product (and Company) is in its Infancy

Navigating the challenges of selling when your product and company are in their early stages is no walk in the park. But there are plenty of effective strategies you can implement that successful startups have perfected over the years.

Define Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

One key strategy is defining a clear Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). Trying to sell to too broad an audience can result in lost focus and muddled messaging. By honing in on a specific ICP, you can refine your message and tailor your approach to solving the unique problems of that customer group. You'll find that focusing on a particular industry or niche can help you streamline your efforts and enhance your effectiveness.

Learn from Product Feedback Conversations

Instead of viewing sales conversations exclusively as traditional transactions, consider them as opportunities for product feedback. Engage with your customers to learn more about their needs and understand what features or solutions would make your product more compelling. You may find that your product is, in fact, not ready to be sold. And while that could be a tough pill to swallow, you're better off finding that out sooner rather than later. All that to say, building relationships with a select few customers who can actively participate in shaping the product can be immensely helpful.

Embrace That You’re a Startup

There's nothing wrong with being honest with buyers about the current state of your product or company. You're an early-stage startup, and you should own it. Acknowledge that you're a scrappy team working fast to address customer problems. Leverage your agility as a small business to emphasize that you can respond quickly to their needs compared to larger, less nimble competitors. Transparency about your product roadmap, coupled with selling the vision of future enhancements, will help manage expectations and build confidence.

Sell the Product Roadmap

We'll expand on this more later in the article, but during a startup's early stages, selling your product roadmap can be a powerful strategy. While your product may still be evolving, showcasing future features and improvements with screenshots and visual representations to convey your product's potential can pique the interest of prospective customers. However, it's crucial that customers understand your timelines and that you have a committed team capable of delivering on these promises.

Leverage Alternative Marketing Channels

Considering startups are famously strapped for cash, traditional marketing campaigns may not be something you can afford early on. But that doesn't mean marketing support isn't something you can tap into to help drive sales. There are plenty of alternative, low-cost marketing channels you can explore that could resonate with your ICP.For example, a podcast tailored to your ideal audience could serve as both a lead-generation tool and a means of understanding your customers better. Same with a newsletter. When it comes to getting your startup's name out there, don't be afraid to think outside the box.

The Role of Product Roadmaps in the Sales Process

For startup founders building out their sales strategies, the question of whether to share your product roadmap comes up often, and rightfully so. There are a few considerations and nuances worth exploring before integrating your product roadmap into your overall sales strategy.

Transparency as a Guiding Principle

Let's start with an oldie but a goodie: Honesty is the best policy. It's true for your personal life and when sharing your product roadmap. If you decide to. So, whether you build a dedicated page on your website where your product roadmap lives for anyone to see or in a document form you share on a one-on-one basis, be honest and transparent. Communicate where you are and potentially headed, but stay realistic. When you do that, you avoid the pitfall of false expectations and maintain the flexibility to adapt to the evolving needs of your customer base.

Avoid the Pigeonhole Effect

Possibly the top concern startup founders have about sharing their product roadmap is the fear of being pigeonholed. That risk is all the greater if you adhere to a rigid plan, at which point you risk getting pulled in a direction that might not align with your current or desired trajectory. The ever-changing nature of startups requires flexibility to pivot quickly based on customer demands and market trends. To combat this, sell your roadmap in a nuanced way. Instead of sharing a fixed plan, opt for a more dynamic approach where you share a vision more than committing to specific product features. That way, prospects know your roadmap is an evolving, living thing that incorporates new needs or desires from your customer base.

Scaling Sales in an Early-Stage Startup

Startup founders often struggle with scaling sales effectively when resources are limited. Especially when it's the founder who's at the forefront of the selling process. However, even with limited resources, there are things founders can do to ease this pressure.

Tailoring Support to Your Strengths and Weaknesses

As a founder, the initial step in scaling your sales efforts is identifying your strengths and weaknesses as a seller. Understand where your expertise lies and where you may need support so you make hiring decisions based on your strengths rather than adhering to a standard playbook. So, for example, if prospecting is a strength, you may want help with tasks that consume time elsewhere, like writing follow-up emails or managing tedious Account Executive (AE) tasks. This tailored approach ensures that early hires complement your strengths, creating a symbiotic and efficient sales ecosystem.Also, both industry expertise and process understanding play crucial roles in sales. And while your unique insights into the industry problem you're trying to solve will be unparalleled as a founder, seasoned sales professionals can make a big impact by helping you navigate the sales funnel efficiently. This collaboration maximizes your startup's potential to secure leads and close deals.

Equip Your Team with the Right Tools


Having the right resources and tools for your sales team to leverage will become indispensable before you know it. Don't wait to build case studies, quick overviews, and flexible pitch decks that you or your team can modify on the fly. These resources empower sales representatives to align their pitch with the client's needs, demonstrating a deep understanding of the industry or problem. Most importantly, having adaptable sales tools on hand improves conversation flow and better positions your startup to win business.

In-House vs. Outsourced Sales Development Representatives

There’s a question that every founder has to face when structuring their sales efforts: Should you build an internal team or consider outsourcing to Sales Development Representative (SDR) companies? Both have their pros and cons, which you should consider before deciding what makes sense for your startup.

Internal Expertise and Adaptability

The fact of the matter is that no amount of hired guns will be able to match the expertise and unique understanding of your product like an internal sales team. This is particularly valuable in the early stages of your startup when every interaction is a building block for the company's foundation. And with outsourced SDRs or bots, you always run the risk of delayed responses, a lack of understanding, and a potential disconnect from your startup’s core values. Internal teams can also adapt and refine strategies based on real-time feedback in a way that outsourced sales teams can't match. And in the dynamic landscape of early-stage startups, allowing for quick pivots and course corrections is invaluable.

External Scalability

While the expertise of internal teams matters a great deal, there are plenty of instances where specific tasks or campaigns are well suited for outsourced teams that can complement your in-house efforts at scale. The key is to view outsourcing as a strategic tool rather than a fundamental component of your sales engine. In doing so, the scalability of external sales teams becomes quite the advantage in your company’s efforts to grow.

The Cost-Effectiveness Mirage

You'll hear plenty about the perceived cost-effectiveness of outsourcing. While there might be immediate savings, the long-term investment in an internal team often pays off in the form of dedicated experts who grow with the company. It's not just about the cost on paper; it's about the value added in cultivating a team that evolves with your startup.In the end, the choice between internal teams and outsourced SDRs is not a one-size-fits-all decision. It requires careful evaluation of your startup's unique needs, growth trajectory, and emphasis on building lasting customer relationships. Internal teams do demand more initial investment, but that can pay dividends in terms of dedicated expertise and authentic customer interactions.

Concluding Advice for Selling in Early-Stage Startups

There are plenty of insights to take away from this article on how to sustain or improve your startup’s sales process. So many that you may wonder where to start. These are the items we’d prioritize to make the greatest immediate impact. You’ll likely find that if you get these things right, it's much easier for all the other pieces to fall into place.

Dedicate Time Wisely

You have to dedicate time to learn how to sell if you want to succeed at it. Hiring additional help may offer support, but the core effort needs to come from you, the founder. Building meaningful connections and closing deals takes time, and there are no shortcuts to genuine engagement.On the flip side of that, protecting your precious hours against time sucks, like engaging with unqualified prospects is a must. Don't be afraid to disqualify potential clients when they're not the right fit. Taking a strategic approach to understanding your customers' problems and aligning them with your solution earlier can prevent wasting time on unqualified leads.

Focus on Problem-Solving, Not Just Products

Shift your focus from showcasing the greatness of your product to addressing the problems it solves. During sales interactions, emphasize how your solution addresses specific pain points for the customer. People resonate more with problem-solving narratives than product-centric pitches.

Understand Your Customer’s Unique Sales Funnel

Don’t rely on generic sales process templates to dictate how you structure your sales funnel. Instead, learn how your customer moves through their purchase journey and base your sales process on that. This could lead to any number of moves that increase your team’s effectiveness, like reevaluating your CRM approach and structure. Instead of generic deal stage naming conventions like Discovery or Demo, align them with your customer's internal actions. You'll better understand the status of each deal while ensuring that movement through stages reflects meaningful progress in the customer's decision-making process.Doing this will also improve your qualification processes, making sure that you are investing in the right kinds of prospects that are more likely to become customers.

Prioritize Growth over Vanity Metrics

Resist the allure of vanity metrics. Instead of measuring success solely by the number of features built or calls made, prioritize actions that drive actual growth and revenue. Align your efforts to focus on tasks that directly contribute to the expansion of your startup instead of just providing a boost to your ego.


For founders leading early-stage startups, mastering your sales process is crucial. Don't be a passive observer. Take a proactive approach to improving your skills by learning from sales calls, understanding customer needs, and embracing strategies that work. Equip yourself with the right tools and teams that fit your situation so you can build a strong foundation for your startup's sales journey. Doing so will greatly increase your business’s chances of success.